Friday’s Five

 coming home to a surprise box full of bridal mags


leftover party flowers from my gma’s bday


Caps game with Tuna and co.


hairband breaking mid workout 😦


the most delicious spicy old bay chicken


Woohoo, it’s Friday!

I’ve been eating pretty healthy this week (for the most part) and working out again! Only thing is I keep falling off the wagon on the weekend. What is it about the weekend and leaving all the clean eating rules in the dust? This must stoppp!

Tell me:

Do you eat a lot differently during the week vs. the weekend? 

What are you tips for sticking to eating healthy on the weekend?

One thought on “Friday’s Five

  1. Love the pic of flowers….and of you two at Caps. Did your mom send the bridal mags? And I WANT the Old Bay chicken recipe!Nana

Tell me all the things.