My Very Own Spin Class

I’ve probably been to a total of five or six spin classes in the past few months.

Since I’m trying to focus more on running and weight lifting for the Tough Mudder, I don’t like “wasting” a running day at the gym spinning. The spin instructors I like only have classes at 6:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, and half of the time those days don’t align with my workout plan.

My favorite spin instructor reminds me of Scary Spice – not in looks obvi, but  encouragement wise.


I will do whatever you say, Scary Spice. You are terrifying.

While puttering around the gym on Sunday afternoon, I looked at the dark empty silence of the usually rambunctious spin room.

Then I had an idea.

I’m allowed to go in the spin room even when there isn’t a spin class! (I think I’m allowed, right Crunch?)

I planned to do just arms and abs that afternoon, but let’s be honest, just an arms and abs workout is kind of boring. I wanted to do some cardio beforehand, but didn’t want to put too much pressure on my joints since I ran on Saturday.

Venturing in to the spin room by myself was just so…different – it didn’t stink of humans like it usually does.

 I took my time adjusting my bike (it always takes me approx 10 min to get the stupid heights right) and was quite proud of myself when I finished my 30 min spin workout.

Watch out, I may be your next spin instructor! (Kidding! I think.)

Song 1: Warm-up
Slowly pedal from your push point (level 3/4) and build up coasting speed up to level 5.

Song 2: Wake-up Hill Climb
Start at level 5, move up a turn at each chorus, going up to level 8 at the end. For each turn added stand up for the chorus.

Song 3: Jump Around
Take it back to push point for a little, first chorus turn up to 6 and do saddle jumps to the beat of each chorus.

Song 4: Sprint it Out
Keep your level 6 and SPRINT at the fast parts!

Song 5: Chill Out
Back to push point and bring your heart rate down for a hot sec.

Song 6: Big Ol’ Climb
Keep on climbing to level 10 – you need an internal Scary Spice yelling at you during this one. After the last chorus, bring it back down to 9.

Song 7: Move It
Move down to level 7 and try to pedal to the off beat – at the choruses, do saddle jumps to the beat.

Song 8: Fast Recover
Bring it down to level 6 and pedal 85% speed at the choruses.

Song 9: Warm-down
Slowly bring yourself back to push point and stretch your arms/shoulders, ending with leg stretches off the bike

All you need is a spin bike and some music – have fun sweatin’!

Spinning = Winning

Last night I went to my second ever spin class.

I rushed out of work at 5:30pm so that I would be able to run home, quickly change, and speed through the traffic to get to Crunch by the 6:30pm Extreme Ride start time.

I really wanted to make it to this particular class, because the instructor is supposed to be one of the best. The first spin class I took, a few weeks ago, was only OK. I couldn’t really hear the instructor over the music and I didn’t know if anything I was doing was right. It was still fun, but the whole time I was kind of like:

I’m trying to take advantage of all of the different classes offered at Crunch and take them all once, just so that I know what I like best. Two weeks ago I took Zumba, which wasn’t as fun as the Zumba class I used to take at UVA. The whole time I felt kind of like:

Mr. Rogers. I felt self-conscious and wasn’t a huge fan. Plus, I didn’t feel like it was THAT great of a workout. Not to knock Zumba, but I think for now I’ll keep experimenting with other classes.

Anyway, even the first mundane spin class I took was more fun than the Zumba class, so I wanted to try it again.

Even though I got there right on time, I was worried that there wouldn’t be enough bikes available as I ran up to the spin room. Luckily, the rainy weather seemed to deter people, and the class was super empty! After the warm-up, I had already developed a girl-crush on the instructor. She was super peppy and informative – teaching us about “push point, race pace,” etc. I was definitely dripping sweat within the first fifteen minutes of class. My favorite part was our third to last song was Call Me Maybe (currently obsessed, along with the rest of the world) and we did saddle, hover, stand, hover, saddle over and over again to the beat of the song. I think my gf the instructor could tell I was loving it, because she flashed me a head nod and a thumbs up as she walked around shouting the commands.

I think I am now a spinning convert.


The best part of the whole night was coming home to Tuna’s apartment and having a healthy home-cooked dinner all ready for me! It was so nice coming home and not having to make dinner after a workout, which is usually torture because I am always starving.

He made an eat-clean meal for us – marinated chicken breast, broccoli, and brown rice. We even had healthy oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert!