I’m Not Complaining!

This past weekend was spent catching up with old friends and staring at pretty colored trees.

Friday night I headed down to Fredericksburg to visit my college roomie and go to the UVA football game in Charlottesville on Saturday. Luckily, I was scarred from my ineptitude to take blog photos a few weeks ago, so I overcompensated by taking pictures of everything. Saturday morning started off early – with pretty much the only thing that would get me out of bed on the weekend before 9:00AM: mimosas.

We lucked out with a perfect fall day!

Ahhhh, I forgot how much I love the smell of Virginia boxwood.

It was great to drink beer get some fresh air in the gardens.

We wandered to the game at the end of the second quarter (whoops) and made it just in time for a touchdown! Let’s be honest, all I care about anyways is getting to sing The Good Old Song and watch a massive amount of people sway at the same time.

We stayed at the game for approximately the same amount of time that we did in college – 20 minutes. It gets like, hot and stuff.

On Sunday, I got to see another friend of mine. I’ve known B since I was 6 years old! We got – what else – self serve fro yo. We’re so trendy.

B got angel food cake with strawberries.

I got dark chocolate, pumpkin, and chocolate sprinkles! This was probably the only time I’ve ever gotten chocolate sprinkles – I’m usually a rainbow girl all the way.

As the weekend wound down, Tuna surprised me with, “fall themed flowers.”

I’m starting to think Tuna is just buying me flowers so that I post them on here…

But I’m not complaining!

Are the trees changing colors where you live?

Very important question: chocolate sprinkles or rainbow sprinkles?